Dating Auction

The Dating Auction is a charity auction event that raises money for a number of charity organizations. In years past, dontations have gone to the Mercy Cancer Ward, Reading Rainbow, and the Jaci Kehling Memorial.

At the auction, the MC calls volunteers from the audience up on stage, and auctions them off. This is an 18+ panel, as things up on stage can get a bit racy, and to assure only legal adults get up on stage. Auctioning off minors can cause problems. People in the audience bid on those on stage until a winning bid sounds. The bidder and bidee head off to teh side where the money is given to the staff member running things, and the next person is chosen to come up on stage.

At the end of the regular action, the After Auction begins. Most people leave the room, and the bideers and bidees remain to hang out with each other. There is food and soda, and usually a few minor activities. It's strongly enouraged those who went up on stage stick around to hang out with the people who bid on them in this semi-public setting. If the pair want, they are perfectly welcome to hang out together later, go for a meal or on a proper date or whatever. We try to make sure the person bidding gets something for the money they've donated, but we also want to make sure the people sold are safe and comfortable as well.

By agreeing to go up on stage, you are entering into a non-verbal contact with the Dating Auction. You are agreeing to donate your time to the Auction, with the understanding this time will be sold to the highest bidder. The time you donated will be used by the winner of the auction during the After Auction panel, in the panel room. During this period, additional time together may be agreed upon, but is not required. Persons winning the highest bid obtain rights to the time donated by the auctioned volunteer to be used at the After Auction. Additional privilages are NOT included as standard, though may be agreed upon on a case by case basis.
