Cosplay Contest

One of the biggest events at many conventions, and certainly at NebKon is the Cosplay Contest. This is where all those people going around in costume can get up on stage and show off their creation. This might be alone, or with a group. They might do a small skit, or have music, or just a simple walk-on. This is all judged by a select group of panelists, and there are awards for the top places. That's hundreds of people, in often complex costumes, being judged on style, creation, stage presence, and a host of other factors, by a group of judges who don't always agree, with hndreds of attendees who want to watch. Even if eveything goes well, the process can take hours, and requires a lot of room to accomplish. And one little thing going wrong can screw up the entire process.

So the Cosplay Contest is a big deal, will a lot of effort, a lot of time, and a lot of stress going into it. The people who run the contest put in a ton of work so others can enjoy themselves, and even then they may catch flak for something going wrong. Often something over which they have no control.
